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- Death Match for World Domination Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form)
- Decadent Saiyans Turles (Giant Ape)
- Demon King's Vengeance Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form)
- Desperate Onslaught Goku & Piccolo/Piccolo
- Determined to Fight Back Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta
- Devastating Punishment Beerus
- Dilemma on the Battlefield Krillin & Gohan (Kid)
- Divine Combat Begins Super Saiyan God SS Goku/Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta
- Emerging Power Goku (Youth) (Giant Ape)
- Endless Evolution of the Warrior Race Super Saiyan Broly
- Epic Defensive Battle Piccolo & Gohan (Kid)/Gohan (Kid)
- Epitome of Sublime Beauty Goku Black
- Evil Namekian Lord Slug (Giant Form)
- Evolved Immortal Body Crimson Masked Saiyan (Super Saiyan Rosé 3)
- Explicit Tactics Tora (Giant Ape)
- Explosive Evolution Turles
- Exquisite Assault Fasha (Giant Ape)
- Feverish Battlefield Borgos (Giant Ape)
- Foe Elimination Circuit Android 13
- Frontline Battle Bardock (Giant Ape)
- Full-On Strike Goku (Youth) (Giant Ape)
- Full-Power Final Showdown Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta
- Fused Fighting Force Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) & Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel)
- Fused Super Power Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta
- Fusion with the Big Gete Star Metal Cooler
- Impetuous God Beerus
- In the Name of Justice Great Saiyaman 2/1
- Indomitable Fighting Spirit Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta
- Infinite Love Ribrianne (Giant Form)
- Inklings of Ultimate Power Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape)
- Intense Saiyan Impulse Bardock (Giant Ape)
- Invincible Battle Form Super Vegeta/Super Trunks
- Phantom Majin Sealed Within Tapion (Hirudegarn)
- Pinnacle of Fury Goku
- Plucky Low-Class Warrior Tora (Giant Ape)
- Power Demonstrated in Clashes Bardock (Giant Ape)
- Power for the Death-Match Vegeta (Giant Ape)
- Power to Distort History Demigra
- Predatory Urge Android 21 (Transformed)
- Proudest Moment Brianne de Chateau
- Rampaging Vengeance Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape)
- Rampaging Vicious Saiyans Nappa/Vegeta
- Remaining Hope Super Saiyan Gohan (Future) & Trunks (Youth) (Future)/Super Saiyan Gohan (Future)
- Resilient Will to Protect the Future Trunks (Teen) (Future)
- Resolve for the Final Battle Super Saiyan 3 Goku
- Resolve to Challenge Powerful Foes Piccolo/Super Saiyan Vegeta
- Rousing Fighting Spirit Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel)
- Saiyan Pride Vegeta/Goku
- Savage Power Goku (Youth) (Giant Ape)
- Secret Behind the Sneezes Launch
- Shocking Absorption Ability Buu (Super)
- Split Into Good and Evil Majin Buu (Good)/Majin Buu (Pure Evil)
- Strategy to Defeat the Emperor Krillin/Vegeta
- Super Power Counterattack Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen)
- Swelling Power of Evil Super Saiyan Cumber (Giant Ape Cumber)
- Swirling Ambition Turles (Giant Ape)
- Taijoro's Wrath Annin (Giant Form)
- Tenacious Battlefield Diva Fasha (Giant Ape)
- The Androids' Journey Androids 17 & 18/Android 16
- The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form)
- Threat to Peace Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form)
- Transcendent Fusion Super Saiyan Gogeta
- Transcendent Height Kefla
- Transformation
- True Power of a God Zamasu