Buu (Super) |
"Majin Buu Saga" or "Heavenly Events" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +150% | |
Mystic Ball Attack | |
Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn[1], causes colossal damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF[2] | |
Assault Rain | |
Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn[1] and causes mega-colossal damage to all enemies with a medium chance[3] of stunning them | |
Terror of 0% Conscience | |
Activates the Entrance Animation upon entry (once only); Ki +5 and ATK & DEF +120% for 4 turns from start of turn; ATK & DEF +120%; plus an additional ATK +30% if HP is 30% or more when attacking, plus another additional ATK +30% if HP is 60% or more when attacking, plus another additional ATK & DEF +30% if HP is 90% or more when attacking; great chance[4] of guarding all attacks; guards all attacks when there is a "Majin Buu Saga" or a "Fused Fighters" Category enemy; launches an additional attack that has a high chance[5] of becoming a Super Attack within the same turn when guard is activated; plus an additional ATK +100% temporarily upon the character's next attack after receiving an attack; Ki +1 (up to +7) plus an additional DEF +20% (up to 140%) with each attack received | |
Revenge Death Bomber | |
Lv 1: ATK +10% Lv 10: ATK +15% Lv 1: Recovers 5% HP Lv 10: Recovers 5% HP and ATK & DEF +10% Lv 1: ATK & DEF +10% Lv 10: Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +15% Lv 1: Recovers 3% HP Lv 10: Ki +2, recovers 3% HP and DEF +10% Lv 1: Ki +2 Lv 10: All enemies' DEF -10% and Ki +2 Lv 1: ATK +15% Lv 10: ATK +20% Lv 1: ATK +10% when performing a Super Attack Lv 10: ATK +15% when performing a Super Attack |
► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200% • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) ► SA Lv.20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30% |
► His additional ATK boosts are calculated separately, for a total of ATK +546% (or ATK +318% starting from the 5th turn) if HP is 90% or more when attacking, plus an additional ATK boost of up to +886% (or ATK +538% starting from the 5th turn) within the character's next attack after receiving an attack ► His additional DEF boosts are calculated separately, for a total of DEF +342% (or DEF +186% starting from the 5th turn) if HP is 90% or more when attacking, plus an additional DEF boost of up to +818% (or DEF +494% starting from the 5th turn) starting from the turn in which the character receives the 7th attack in battle |
► Ultimate damage multiplier is 550% |