Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character pages will be banned immediately, regardless if your revert it or not.


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Entrance Animation Skill Effect
Entrance Animation

Explanation about Entrance Animation
Activate the character's Entrance Animation upon meeting a certain condition

Card Conditions Additional Boost
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1022380 thumbLR icon thumbS.TEQ icon thumb
Frame SSR PHY thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1022420 thumbLR icon thumbS.PHY icon thumb
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1023890 thumbLR icon thumbS.TEQ icon thumb
Card 1024440 thumbCard 1025510 thumbCard 1025530 thumb
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1026160 thumbLR icon thumbS.AGL icon thumb
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1026130 thumbLR icon thumbS.INT icon thumb
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1026430 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb
Card 1026530 thumbCard 1026560 thumb
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1026610 thumbLR icon thumbS.STR icon thumb
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027040 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027330 thumbLR icon thumbS.STR icon thumb
Frame SSR PHY thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027290 thumbLR icon thumbS.PHY icon thumb
Card 1027680 thumb
- -
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1023620 thumbLR icon thumbS.STR icon thumb
When facing an enemy whose name includes "Vegeta" Ki +3 and ATK +70% during battle
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1023520 thumbLR icon thumbE.TEQ icon thumb
When facing an enemy whose name includes "Goku" Ki +3 and ATK +60% during battle
Card 1023980 thumb With an ally whose name includes "Trunks" on the team Reduces damage received by 30% during battle
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1024510 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb
- Reduces damage received by 90% during battle, damage reduction rate -10% with each turn passed (up to -60%)
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1024550 thumbLR icon thumbS.INT icon thumb
When there is another "Bond of Parent and Child" Category ally attacking in the same turn Ki +2, DEF +70% and guards all attacks for 5 turns from start of turn
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1024660 thumbLR icon thumbE.INT icon thumb
When there is another "Potara" Category ally attacking in the same turn Ki +1 per Ki Sphere obtained for 5 turns from start of turn
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1024830 thumbLR icon thumbE.STR icon thumb
When there is another "Terrifying Conquerors" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn Launches an additional attack that has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack for 3 turns
Card 1025090 thumb With an ally whose name includes "Goku" on the team or an enemy whose name includes "Frieza" at the start of character's attacking turn Randomly changes 1 Ki Sphere of a certain Type to Rainbow icon Ki Spheres, ATK +70% and foresees enemy's Super Attack for 5 turns from start of turn
Card 1025800 thumb With another 5 or more "Earth-Bred Fighters" Category allies on the team at start of character's attacking turn Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +150% for 4 turns
Frame SSR PHY thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1025560 thumbLR icon thumbS.PHY icon thumb
With another "Bond of Parent and Child" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn ATK & DEF +100% & guards all attacks for 3 turns from start of turn
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1025590 thumbLR icon thumbS.TEQ icon thumb
With another "Bond of Master and Disciple" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn ATK & DEF +100% & guards all attacks for 3 turns from start of turn
Card 1026250 thumb When there are 6 or more Super Class allies on the team at start of character's attacking turn ATK +100% when performing a Super Attack and randomly changes Ki Spheres of a certain Type (PHY icon excluded) to PHY icon Ki Spheres for 6 turns from start of turn
Card 1026310 thumb-Z When there is an ally whose name includes "Goku (Youth)" on the team at start of character's attacking turn ATK & DEF +40% and chance of evading enemy's attack (including Super Attack) +29% for 4 turns from start of turn
Card 1026310 thumb When there is an ally whose name includes "Goku (Youth)" on the team at start of character's attacking turn ATK & DEF +40% and chance of evading enemy's attack (including Super Attack) +29% for 3 turns from start of turn
Card 1026750 thumb When there is a "Goku's Family" Category enemy or an enemy whose name includes Gohan (Kid) at start of character's attacking turn Extreme Class allies Ki +3 and ATK +18% for the rest of battle
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1026730 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb
With another "Revenge" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn Ki +4 and DEF +80000 for 4 turns
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027120 thumbLR icon thumbS.AGL icon thumb
With another "Future Saga" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn DEF +100% & guards all attacks for 4 turns from start of turn
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027220 thumbLR icon thumbE.TEQ icon thumb
With another "Realm of Gods" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn Reduces damage received by 20% for 4 turns from start of turn (plus an additional damage reduction of 20% for the 1st turn)
Card 1027390 thumb When there is a Super Class enemy at start of character's attacking turn ATK & DEF +50% and chance of evading enemy's attack (including Super Attack) +20% for the rest of battle
Card 1027430 thumb With another "Representatives of Universe 7" Category ally on the team at start of character's attacking turn Randomly changes Ki Spheres of a certain Type (INT icon excluded) to Rainbow icon Spheres for 4 turns from start of turn
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027460 thumbLR icon thumbS.TEQ icon thumb
When there are 2 or more "Tournament Participants" Category allies at start of character's attacking turn changes (STR icon), (AGL icon), & (PHY icon) to (TEQ icon Ki Spheres within the same turn and Ki +3 for 3 turns from start of turn
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1027580 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb
- Change PHY icon Ki Spheres to AGL icon, TEQ icon or STR icon Ki Spheres for 5 turns from start of turn
Card 1027710 thumb - Chance of performing a critical hit +30% and reduces damage received by 30% for 6 turns from the character's entry turn