Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

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Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

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Quest top banner 398
Awakening Medals
Thumb awaken items 39801
Recruit Cards
Card 1025240 thumb
Release Date Info Icon Japan server 4 Oct 2022
Global server 1 Feb 2023
Weakness No Weakness
Increased Drop DB Saga
No Tactics available
Legend has it that once all 7 Dragon Balls have been collected, one can have any wish granted... After their chance encounter, Goku, a boy who lived on Mount Paozu, and Bulma, a girl on a quest for the Dragon Balls, embarked on their adventure. Where will their fantastical quest for the Dragon Balls lead them to?
Difficulty Boss Type R.Exp C.Exp Zeni Drop Rate DS icon
Level 1: Quest for the Dragon Balls
Normal Thumb
Normal Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025260 thumb TEQ icon 1600 3000 5500
Grandpa gohan
Mr popo
Master shen
Master roshi
0-1 1
Z-Hard Thumb
Z-Hard Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025260 thumb STEQ icon 9900 10000 16000
Grand elder guru
0-2 1
Level 2: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
Normal Thumb
Normal Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025240 thumb STR icon 1600 3750 6250 Card 1025240 thumb Weighted boots STR 0-1 1
Z-Hard Thumb
Z-Hard Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025240 thumb SSTR icon 9900 12500 18500 Card 1025240 thumb Weight 10t STR 0-2 1
Level 3: Showdown at Muscle Tower
Normal Thumb
Normal Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025270 thumb PHY icon 1600 4500 7000
Weighted boots AGL
Weighted boots TEQ
Weighted boots INT
Weighted boots STR
Weighted boots PHY
0-1 1
Z-Hard Thumb
Z-Hard Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025270 thumb EPHY icon 9900 15000 21000
Weight 10t AGL
Weight 10t TEQ
Weight 10t INT
Weight 10t STR
Weight 10t PHY
0-2 1
Level 4: Master Roshi Appears
Normal Thumb
Normal Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025280 thumb AGL icon 1600 5250 7750 Weighted boots STRThumb awaken items 39801 0-1 1
Z-Hard Thumb
Z-Hard Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025280 thumb EAGL icon 9900 17500 23500 Thumb awaken items 39801 1-2 1
Level 5: The Final Battle
Normal Thumb
Normal Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025290 thumb INT icon 1600 6000 8500
Grand elder guru
1 1
Z-Hard Thumb
Z-Hard Small
Blank Thumb
Card 1025290 thumb EINT icon 9900 20000 26000
North kai
West kai
South kai
East kai
1 1

Additional information
  • Characters from the "DB Saga" Category increase the chance for an extra drop.
  • Card 1025240 thumb can be farmed to raise the Super Attack level of other Yamcha cards.
    • REMINDER: Train a second Card 1025250 thumb to SA lv. 5 to raise Card 1025250 thumb-Z's SA lv. to lv. 15

  • Clear Stage 2 on Z-Hard: Card 1025240 thumb x1
  • Level up Super Attack of Card 1025240 thumb to Lv. 10: DS icon x1
  • Dokkan Awaken Card 1025240 thumb: Card 1002630 thumb x1
  • Clear all stages on Z-Hard: DS icon x1

Base Card Quantity Awakened Card Dupes needed Raised SA
Card 1025240 thumb Thumb awaken items 39801 x20 Card 1025250 thumb Card 1025250 thumb x1 Card 1025250 thumb-Z
Total amount for all
Thumb awaken items 39801 x20 Thumb awaken items 39801 x20 Thumb awaken items 39801 =40

Story Events
Pre-Dragon Ball The Unknown Battle of Gods and MajinA Lone Warrior's Last BattleRuler of the Universe and the Warrior Race: Legend of the Super SaiyanRuler of the Universe and the Warrior Race: Emperor's IntentionsFated History! The Saiyan in Rebellion
Dragon Ball Curse of the Blood RubiesSleeping Princess in Devil's CastleMystical AdventureThe Path to PowerAll Fired Up! Marriage, Showdown, Grand Finale
Dragon Ball Z Super Warrior Memorial - Goku and RivalsSuper Warrior Memorial - Goku and FriendsThe Low-Class Warrior: Raditz's PrideCataclysmic Clash! Final Showdown with FriezaA Fateful Encounter?! Bulma and VegetaDemonic Threat! Garlic Jr. AttacksNew Enemies! Androids in ActionEmerge! Mysterious Monster CellUltimate Confrontation! The Cell GamesEpic Battle! The Mighty Ones of the OtherworldVidel's Flying Technique TutorialDreaded Majin and a Soul RebornA Turbulent Start! World Tournament RebornGo Forth!! Hero of JusticeEvil Revived! The Most Fearsome MajinShowdown! The Ultimate Final BattleLegacies of Remarkable FathersGoku and Friends Are Back
Dragon Ball Z Movies Lord SlugFight! Battle for the Strongest in the UniverseFight! 10 Billion Power WarriorsSuper Android 13!Super Warrior Slam! Victory Will Be Mine!Fusion RebornThe Emperor Returns! Training for VengeanceResurrection 'F'
Dragon Ball GT Desert Rescue! Giru Saves the Day!Baby Saga FinaleUltimate Android Saga7 Shadow Dragons SagaSurpass Goku! The Reinvention of VegetaA Hero's LegacyInherited Fate! Warriors a Century Later
Dragon Ball Super Vegeta the Indomitable WarriorUniverse 6 SagaUniverse's Strongest?! Challenge the "Great Pontas"!Vegeta's Demise?! The Secret of Planet PotaufeuZero Mortals PlanFuture Trunks SagaAssemble! Warriors of Universe 6The Power of Trust! The Miracle of Universe 7Universe Survival SagaMaster Roshi's New ChallengeTournament of Power CommencementProud Justice! Pride TroopersFinal Battle of the Tournament of PowerSaiyan Trio Led by FateBroly
Alternate Timelines Fight Against Despair!