Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character pages will be banned immediately, regardless if your revert it or not.


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Tier Lists Navigation
SAGL iconSTEQ iconSINT iconSSTR iconSPHY icon Super label
EAGL iconETEQ iconEINT iconESTR iconEPHY icon Extreme label
Accelerated Battle CategoryAll-Out Struggle CategoryAndroids CategoryAndroids-Cell Saga CategoryArtificial Life Forms CategoryBattle of Fate CategoryBattle of Wits CategoryBond of Friendship CategoryBond of Master and Disciple CategoryBond of Parent and Child CategoryConnected Hope CategoryCorroded Body and Mind CategoryCrossover CategoryDB Saga CategoryDefenders of Justice CategoryDemonic Power CategoryDragon Ball Heroes CategoryDragon Ball Seekers CategoryEarth-Bred Fighters CategoryEarthlings CategoryEntrusted Will CategoryExploding Rage CategoryFinal Trump Card CategoryFull Power CategoryFused Fighters CategoryFusion CategoryFuture Saga CategoryGiant Ape Power CategoryGiant Form CategoryGifted Warriors CategoryGinyu Force CategoryGoku's Family CategoryGT Bosses CategoryGT Heroes CategoryHeavenly Events CategoryHybrid Saiyans CategoryInhuman Deeds CategoryJoined Forces CategoryKamehameha CategoryLegendary Existence CategoryLow-Class Warrior CategoryMajin Buu Saga CategoryMajin Power CategoryMastered Evolution CategoryMiraculous Awakening CategoryMovie Bosses CategoryMovie Heroes CategoryNamekians CategoryOtherworld Warriors CategoryPeppy Gals CategoryPlanet Namek Saga CategoryPlanetary Destruction CategoryPotara CategoryPower Absorption CategoryPower Beyond Super Saiyan CategoryPower of Wishes CategoryPowerful Comeback CategoryPure Saiyans CategoryRapid Growth CategoryRealm of Gods CategoryRepresentatives of Universe 7 CategoryResurrected Warriors CategoryRevenge CategorySaiyan Saga CategorySaviors CategoryShadow Dragon Saga CategorySiblings' Bond CategorySpace-Traveling Warriors CategorySpecial Pose CategoryStoried Figures CategorySuper Bosses CategorySuper Heroes CategorySuper Saiyans CategorySuper Saiyan 2 CategorySuper Saiyan 3 CategorySworn Enemies CategoryTarget Goku CategoryTeam Bardock CategoryTerrifying Conquerors CategoryTime Limit CategoryTime Travelers CategoryTournament Participants CategoryTransformation Boost CategoryTurtle School CategoryUncontrollable Power CategoryUniverse 6 CategoryUniverse 11 CategoryUniverse Survival Saga CategoryVegeta's Family CategoryWicked Bloodline CategoryWorld Tournament CategoryWorldwide Chaos CategoryWorthy Rivals CategoryYouth Category

Tier List Planetary Destruction
S Tier2 A Tier2 B Tier2 C Tier2
Support Units2 S Tier2 A Tier2 B Tier2 Honorable Mentions2

Planetary Destruction CategoryBack to tier list
S Tier

Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1029440 thumbLR icon thumbE.INT icon thumb

Leader icon[1]
Super Warrior Who Destroys All Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Revive is easy to trigger
- Excellent healer
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Besides his fellow Broly counterparts, Uncontrollable Power allies are scarce and irrelevant
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1029400 thumbLR icon thumbE.TEQ icon thumb
Universe-Devastating Combat Power Broly
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Astounding tank
- Active Skill can activated very early in the fight
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Additional Super Attack requires Broly to be placed as the 2nd or 3rd attacker but none of his other Broly partners are capable of tanking enemy hits before attacking
Card 1003800 thumb-SZ
Super Warrior of Destruction Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Astounding hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Excellent support unit
Tier List Minus- Abysmal linkset
Card 1023490 thumb-Z
Majin of Destruction Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Decent linkset
- Decent stunner
- Excellent healer
Tier List Minus- No other ally on the team that shares his Category requirements
- Only Buff Buu shares his Majin-based links
Card 1005300 thumb-SZ
Devastating Punishment Beerus
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Astounding tank
- Plethora of relevant allies that meets his conditions
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Has no SA Effect aside from lowering DEF
Card 1029570 thumb
Decisive Strike of Rebellion Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Active Skill can be used due to his ability to launch multiple Super Attacks
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- His limit on the nuking potential prevents Vegeta from fully utilizing the Ki-changing passive
- Obtaining the full Ki Sphere requires Vegeta to be placed as the 1st attacker but he cannot tank enemy hits if he didn't get the additional DEF boost at below 50% HP
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1016870 thumbLR icon thumbE.TEQ icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Nightmarish Impact Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Astounding hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Transformation and Active Skill conditions are easy to fulfill
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1020750 thumbLR icon thumbE.STR icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Destroyers of the Universe Team Turles
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Excellent support unit
- Great stunner
- Excellent linkset
- Active Skill conditions are mutually exclusive and can be used twice per battle
Tier List Minus- Struggles to achieve the maximum Ki needed for his full boosts outside of his Active Skill unless the enemy can be debuffed
Card 1004250 thumb-SZ
Emperor's Devotion Frieza (Full Power)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus- Initial DEF boost requires Frieza to be placed as the 1st attacker but he cannot tank enemy hits before attacking especially after his damage reduction drops to non-existent levels
- Not enough DEF boost as the 2nd or 3rd attacker especially after the 5th turn he appears
Card 1028160 thumb
Terrifying Phantom Majin Hirudegarn
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Astounding evader
- Transformation has no conditions aside from being turn-based
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus???
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1023040 thumbLR icon thumbE.INT icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Saiyan Pride Vegeta/Goku
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Revive passive is outclassed by Super Warrior Who Destroys All Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
- Planet Namek Saga allies are scarace and completely irrelevant
- Vegeta does not have any meaningful defense aside from damage reduction
- Goku lacks any built additionals in his passive
Card 1021670 thumb-Z
Leader icon
Instinctive Destruction Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Infinite DEF stacker
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Passive is only effective against Goku enemies and becomes a completely liability anywhere else

Support Units

S Tier

Card 1003310 thumb-SZ
Heartless Destruction Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Excellent support unit
- Excellent tank
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus- Has no SA effect aside from lowering DEF
Card 1013570 thumb-Z
Explosive Evolution Turles
Tier List Plus- Excellent support unit
- Excellent tank
- Great stunner
- Great linkset
- Best linking partner for Team Turles
- Great healer
- Infinite DEF stacker
Tier List Minus- Transformation, while chance-based, is unconditional and can't choose when to trigger it
- Transformation only lasts for 3 turns
- Does not get the additional defense buffs against Extreme Class enemies

A Tier

Card 1028570 thumb
Leader icon
Beautiful Final View Frieza (1st Form)
Tier List Plus- Astounding hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Plethora of relevant ally for his additional boosts
- Active Skill has no conditions aside from being turn-based
- Great linkset
- Almost every relevant ally on the team benefit from his additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Low-Class Warrior enemies are absolutely non-existent
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1024830 thumbLR icon thumbE.STR icon thumb
Planet-Crushing Blow Cooler (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Astounding hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Decent debuffer
- Active Skill can be reliably activated in long events due to his frequent additional attacks
Tier List Minus- Requires running another Terrifying Conquerors for his initial passive as Broly isn't part of the category
Card 1026750 thumb
Demonic Fighter Wielding Forbidden Power Turles
Tier List Plus- Astounding hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Great healer
- Excellent linkset
Tier List Minus- Support is not only restricted to a restrictive condition but it's rather minimal at that
- Goku's Family enemies are completely irrelevant
- Buildup requires multiple Super Attacks and the only way to do so in the first few turns has a 50% chance to trigger (which itself won't work below 50% HP)
Card 1026770 thumb
Sub Leader Icon
Joint Battlefield Disruption Amond & Rasin
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Astounding tank
- Great support unit
- Plethora of relevant allies benefits from their additional support boost
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus???
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1024510 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb

Sub Leader Icon
Emperor's Newfound Power Golden Frieza
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Great linkset
- Decent debuffer
Tier List Minus- No Big Bad Bosses
- Active Skill is pretty difficult to utilize given his innate tankiness not to mention that it also negates his additional boosts
- Loses much of his passive if his HP goes below 50%
- Damage reduction rapidly drops over time
Card 1028110 thumb
Awakening of the Powerful Saiyans Vegeta & Nappa
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Guard passive is easily met due to the main leader being part of the Category requirements
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Their damage reduction can only work if they're placed as floaters
- Even though they require multiple attacks to build up, their status as a floater meant that they're going to build up rather slowly at that
Card 1018190 thumb-Z
Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Plethora of relevant allies that benefit from his support
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Excellent linkset
- His additional attack boost is easily met due his innate debuff Super Attack effect
- Plethora of relevant Saiyan enemies for his crit bonus and Active Skill condition
Tier List Minus- Broly allies are not supported
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1017900 thumbLR icon thumbE.INT icon thumbEZA icon thumb
The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Transformation can prove to be very clutch in critical moments
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Transformation and Active Skill conditions are difficult to fulfill
Card 1019340 thumb-Z
Hot-Blooded God of Destruction Beerus
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
Tier List Minus- Struggles to launch his Super Attack or attain damage reduction unless he's fighting a Realm of Gods enemy
- Realm of Gods enemies scarce and irrelevant
- Active Skill can be rather difficult to utilize
- Abysmal linkset
Card 1013680 thumb-Z
Swirling Ambition Turles (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Excellent linkset
- Additional boosts are easily fulfilled due to the plethora of relevant Space-Traveling Warriors allies on the team
Tier List Minus- Unreliable Giant Form transformation
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1023520 thumbLR icon thumbE.TEQ icon thumb
Furious Last Resort Vegeta (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- AoE Super deals mega-colossal damage
- Giant Form Transformation can be reliably triggered
- Goku enemies are a commonplace
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Shares Shattering the Limit instead of Fierce Battle with other top tier allies
- Ultra Super Attack has no SA effect aside from damaging all enemies
- Giant Form has the potential downside of lasting only 1 turn
Frame SSR PHY thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1028550 thumbLR icon thumbS.PHY icon thumbEZA icon thumb
God of Destruction's Holiday Beerus (Pajamas)
Tier List Plus- Great tank
- Active Skill has no condition aside from being turn-based
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linsket
- Damage reduction weakens over time
Card 1026790 thumb
No One Escapes Daiz & Cacao
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Great support unit
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- Buildup requires multiple Super Attacks and the only way to do so has a 50% chance to proc each turn
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1010440 thumbLR icon thumbE.STR icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Indestructible Saiyan Evil Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter and tank
- Great linkset
- Self-sustainable
- Becomes unbelievably devastating when facing three of the most common Categories in the game: Pure Saiyans, Hybrid Saiyans, and Goku's Family
Tier List Minus- Half of his Passive is restricted to a Category enemy
- Cannot link with the main leader
Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1022750 thumbLR icon thumbE.AGL icon thumb
Roar of Resentment Frieza (Full Power)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Goku enemies are very widespread
- Mega-Colossal damage on both multipliers
- Infinite DEF stacker
Tier List Minus- Links are restricted to other Frieza allies
- Active Skill is pretty difficult to utilize
Card 1027080 thumb
Atypical Low-Class Warrior Turles
Tier List Plus- Great tank
- Excellent linkset
Tier List Minus- Guard not only is locked behind multiple enemies but a low chance on top of that
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1025630 thumbLR icon thumbS.INT icon thumb
Climax of the World Tournament Jackie Chun
Tier List Plus- Decent hard-hitter
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- Abysmal linkset
- World Tournament allies are absolutely non-existent
Card 1014820 thumb-Z
Glacial Prestige Frieza (1st Form)
Tier List Plus- Consistently excellent Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
Base -> Final Form:
- Infinite ATK & DEF stacker
- Boosts get better with each advancing form, same with Frieza’s healing capabilities
Golden Form:
- Great hard-hitter, particularly with his first attack
- Decent healer
- Excellent stunner
Tier List Minus- Takes too long to access his Golden Form
- Offense and defense isn’t great until his Golden Form is reached, though it gets better with each passing form
- Outside of a Wicked Bloodline-oriented team, will struggle to link well
Card 1009100 thumb-Z
Heinous Attack Cooler (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Decent stunner
Tier List Minus- Shares the same name with two version of himself including the LR, rendering either one of them unable to activate their links if they're on the same rotation as all three of them tanks poorly before attacking
- None of his other allies who can stun before Cooler attacks have any relevancy on the team and unless Cooler's additional is a Super, he himself won't be able to utilize the crit bonus on a stunned enemy
Card 1009090 thumb-Z
Open The Gates of Hell Cooler (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-esc linkset
Tier List Minus- Can only link well with Wicked Bloodline allies
- ATK & DEF boost requires buildup
- Has no SA effect besides lowering DEF

Support Units

A Tier

Card 1022220 thumb
The Power to Protect Gohan (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Excellent tank
- Decent hard-hitter
- Active Skill is easy to fulfill
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Excellent stunner
- Excellent defensive supporter
- Shares Saiyan Warrior Race and The Saiyan Lineage to link with Broly
Tier List Minus- No other Heavenly Events allies besides himself
- The only character that can meet Unit Super Attack in this team is the horrible INT LR Piccolo
Card 1014990 thumb-Z
Saiyans' Limitless Potential Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Good all-rounder
- Best Link=Category:Extreme INT support unit in the game, coupled with INT orb-changing
- Decent stunner
- Infinite ATK stacker
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- Support only benefits Link=Category:Extreme INT allies
- Needs to collect a lot of Ki-Spheres to be fully self-sustainable
Card 1025210 thumb-Z
Restoring Our Clan's Reputation Cooler
Tier List Plus- Support encompasses almost every relevant ally on the team
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- Low F2P stats
- Critical support is severely restricted and isn't even permanent
- Broly allies are not supported
Card 1008750 thumb-Z
Golden Malice Golden Frieza
Tier List Plus- Decent hard-hitter, especially against Goku
- Great tank
- Good Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- Excellent Target: Goku support unit, which benefits a few relevant cards including Broly
- Infinite DEF stacker
Tier List Minus- Posses dead links in Resurrection 'F' and Super-God Combat
- Needs to be facing Goku in order to reach his maximum offensive potential
- Support doesn’t benefit the entire Category

B Tier

Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1015570 thumbLR icon thumbE.STR icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Last-Ditch Attack Frieza (Full Power)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- His passive can only be fully utilized at low HP, at the point where you don't want to land in
- Sacrifices HP with each 12-Ki Super Attack which has big risks of being detrimental in harder events
- Completely outclassed by his AGL counterpart
Card 1022470 thumb
Eerie Sense of Despair Frieza (3rd Form)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Support encompasses a good number of relevant allies
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus- Broly and other non-Saga villain allies are not supported
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1009230 thumbLR icon thumbS.INT icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Budding Heart Piccolo
Tier List Plus- Decent tank
- Decent support unit
Tier List Minus- Poor linkset
- Gohan (Kid) allies aren't really relevant in the team
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1009380 thumbLR icon thumbE.STR icon thumbEZA icon thumb

Sub Leader Icon
Reign of Terror Frieza (1st Form)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter and tank, especially in the 1st and 3rd slots
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-esc linkset
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Can struggle for Ki when facing an Extreme Class enemy
- Can only really link well with his family members
- Needs to be in the 1st or 3rd slot to unleash his full power
Card 1020150 thumb-Z
Rageful Erasure Frieza (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Excellent all-around unit when facing Goku's Family Category enemies
- Infinite ATK stacker
- Support against Goku's Family Category enemies is nice
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- Self-sustainable when facing Goku's Family enemies
Tier List Minus- Can only link well with Wicked Bloodline allies
- Needs to be facing a Goku's Family Category enemy to unleash most of his power
- Possesses a dead link in Formidable Enemy instead of a link like Big Bad Bosses
Card 1012680 thumb-Z
Wayward God Beerus
Tier List Plus- Decent hard-hitter
- Decent tank
Tier List Minus- Abysmal linkset
Card 1009640 thumb-Z
Transcendent Majin Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Excellent Buu-centric linkset
- Okay Ki supporter
- Great healer
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Linking partner is restricted to Buff Buu
- Only gives 1 Ki to Extreme allies aside from
Card 1007390 thumb-Z
Fire of Vengeance Golden Frieza
Tier List Plus- Excellent tank
- Good Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
Tier List Minus- Heavily weakened when below the 50% threshold
- Outside of a Wicked Bloodline-oriented team, will struggle to link well
- Possesses dead links such as Resurrection 'F' and Super-God Combat
Card 1007680 thumb-Z
Power for the Death-Match Vegeta (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Great tank
- Decent hard-hitter
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Additional boost only works at low HP
Card 1016490 thumb-Z
Explosive Super Elite Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter, especially when facing a Goku's Family Category enemy
- Great tank
- Deceht linkset
- Self-sustainable without Ki struggle
- Infinite ATK & DEF stacker
- Crit chance when collecting PHY orbs is a nice bonus
Tier List Minus- Needs time to build up
- Needs to collect specially PHY Ki-Spheres to build up his Crit chance
- Can only get his additional ATK buff when facing Goku's Family enemies
Card 1015840 thumb-Z
Dominance Through Destruction Champa
Tier List Plus- Okay hard-hitter
- Decent tank
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Unreliable ATK boost
- Nobody else benefit from his support
Card 1004650 thumb-Z
Surpassing All Perfect Cell
Tier List Plus- Great all-rounder
- Excellent Cell-centric linkset, being the best linking partner for LR INT Cell
- Self-sustainable
- Decent healer
Tier List Minus- Needs to collect a lot of Ki-Spheres to unleash his full power
- Can only link well with Cell units
Card 1008820 thumb-Z
Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter and tank
- Excellent Cell-centric linkset
- AOE 11-Ki Super Attack and debuffing makes him amazing in events with multiple enemies
- Decent healer
Tier List Minus- Needs to collect 3 or more Ki-Spheres to activate his addictional
- Not as good of a linking partner for LR INT Cell compared to his counterparts
Card 1008740 thumb-Z
Proof of Resurrection Golden Frieza
Tier List Plus- Excellent tank when above the 40% HP threshold
- Infinite ATK stacker
- Good Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
Tier List Minus- Deadweight when below 40% HP
- Needs to obtain 4 Ki-Spheres to get half of his Passive
- Outside of a Wicked Bloodline-oriented team, will struggle to link well
- Possesses dead links such as Resurrection 'F' and Super-God Combat
Card 1009110 thumb-Z
Almighty Cleave Cooler
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Mighty tank
- Great Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- Ki support and debuffing when facing a Goku's Family Category enemy is nice
- Being super effective against all types against Goku's Family amplifies his damage output
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Lacks the excellent supportive abilities that his INT brother has
- Can only link well with Wicked Bloodline allies
- Needs to be facing a Goku's Family Category enemy to unleash most of his power
Card 1007460 thumb-Z
Eternal Horror Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter and tank
- Infinite ATK & DEF stacker
- Good linkset
- Builds up Crit chance which can amplify his damage output
Tier List Minus- Needs some time to get going
- Unlike other non-AoE Dokkan Fest, Broly deals supreme damage
Card 1008130 thumb-Z
Raging Dash Majin Buu (South Supreme Kai)
Tier List Plus- Great all-rounder
- Best linking partner for Kid Buu
- Good healer
Tier List Minus- Needs to be at high HP to get his max additional boost
- Can only link well with Kid Buu
Card 1003760 thumb-Z
Sub Leader Icon
Ceaseless Terror Perfect Cell
Tier List Plus- Good hard-hitter and tank
- Excellent Cell-based linkset
- Best linking partner for LR Cell
- Great healer when below 30% HP
Tier List Minus- Can only link well with Cell units
- 30% HP is a tight threshold
Card 1014390 thumb
Catastrophic Rage Frieza (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- Decent tank
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Needs to take a hit to obtain his additional attack buff, which can be problematic given Frieza isn’t the best defensively
- Can only link well with Wicked Bloodline allies
Card 1017220 thumb
Earth-Piercing Light Frieza (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Great all-rounder
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- Great sealer
- Decent stunner when facing only 1 enemy
- AOE Super Attack
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Can only get his stun chance and additional ATK buff when facing 1 enemy, which doesn’t allow Frieza to make good use of his AOE
Card 1004880 thumb-Z
Umpire of Annihilation Beerus
Tier List Plus- Hits really hard for a general pool EZA unit
Tier List Minus- No Ki links aside from Shocking Speed
- Supports noone but himself
- ATK boost is unreliable
Card 1021500 thumb-Z
Saiyan Strike! Vegeta (Dokkan Butoden)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter and tank
- Decent linkset, being the best linking partner for PHY Vegeta
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Needs to be facing Super Class enemies to get his additional ATK buff
Card 1017160 thumb-Z
Storm of Terror Frieza (2nd Form)
Tier List Plus- Decent all-rounder
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- AOE Super Attack
Tier List Minus- Needs to be facing multiple enemies and have the enemy’s DEF debuffed in order to access his full power
- Can only link well with Wicked Bloodline allies
Card 1009980 thumb
Absolute Suppression Turles
Tier List Plus- Great stunner
- Self-sustainable
- Great villain-based linkset
Tier List Minus- Shares the same name as his AGL counterpart
- Low F2P stats
Card 1020040 thumb
Full Power Breakthrough Jackie Chun (Max Power)
Tier List Plus- Hits decenty hard for a WT support
Tier List Minus- Abysmal linkset
- Initial ATK & DEF boost require buildup, rendering him defenseless in the first few turns in the first slot
- Kamehameha (Category) only consists of himself and Perfect Cells
Card 1005000 thumb-Z
Uncontrollable Instinct Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Decent healer
Tier List Minus- Links are utter trash
- Very low stats for an EZA
- Low Ki multiplier
- Weak nuker
Card 1009970 thumb
Thrill of the Fight Beerus
Tier List Plus- Decent ATK boost
Tier List Minus- Completely outclassed by other Beerus units
- Low F2P stats

Support Units

B Tier

Card 1008640 thumb
Vile and Violent Turles
Tier List Plus- Great stunner
- Okay supporter
- Great villain-based linkset
Tier List Minus- No DEF support
- Becomes a deadweight if your HP falls below a certain threshold
Card 1013340 thumb
Resolute Execution Cooler (Final Form)
Tier List Plus- Decent hard-hitter
- Excellent Wicked Bloodline-centric linkset
- Excellent Link=Category:AGL support unit
Tier List Minus- WT Stats
- Support only benefits Link=Category:AGL allies
- Can only link well with Wicked Bloodline allies
- Needs to build up his ATK to hit hard
- Lacks any defense buffs
- Support doesn’t give Ki

C Tier

Card 1011210 thumb
Domineering Victory Declaration Jackie Chun
Tier List Plus- Okay hard-hitter and tank
- Great sealer
Tier List Minus- F2P stats
- Abysmal linkset

Honorable Mentions

Card 1016000 thumb-Z
Endless Evolution of the Warrior Race Super Saiyan Broly
Tier List Plus- Excellent linkset, links very well with Broly
- Good hard-hitter
- Decent tank
- Pretty much guaranteed to launch Super Attacks
- Self-sustainable
- AOE Super Attack in base makes him great for events with multiple enemies on the field
Tier List MinusDamage in base form is mediocre
- Unable to transform and unleash his full power in shorter events like Super Battle Road

  1. Note: Some units are at the top of these lists due to their position as high-percentage Class Type/Category leader, not necessarily because they are the best unit within the format. Some leaders fit both positions.