Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character pages will be banned immediately, regardless if your revert it or not.


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Tier Lists Navigation
SAGL iconSTEQ iconSINT iconSSTR iconSPHY icon Super label
EAGL iconETEQ iconEINT iconESTR iconEPHY icon Extreme label
Accelerated Battle CategoryAll-Out Struggle CategoryAndroids CategoryAndroids-Cell Saga CategoryArtificial Life Forms CategoryBattle of Fate CategoryBattle of Wits CategoryBond of Friendship CategoryBond of Master and Disciple CategoryBond of Parent and Child CategoryConnected Hope CategoryCorroded Body and Mind CategoryCrossover CategoryDB Saga CategoryDefenders of Justice CategoryDemonic Power CategoryDragon Ball Heroes CategoryDragon Ball Seekers CategoryEarth-Bred Fighters CategoryEarthlings CategoryEntrusted Will CategoryExploding Rage CategoryFinal Trump Card CategoryFull Power CategoryFused Fighters CategoryFusion CategoryFuture Saga CategoryGiant Ape Power CategoryGiant Form CategoryGifted Warriors CategoryGinyu Force CategoryGoku's Family CategoryGT Bosses CategoryGT Heroes CategoryHeavenly Events CategoryHybrid Saiyans CategoryInhuman Deeds CategoryJoined Forces CategoryKamehameha CategoryLegendary Existence CategoryLow-Class Warrior CategoryMajin Buu Saga CategoryMajin Power CategoryMastered Evolution CategoryMiraculous Awakening CategoryMovie Bosses CategoryMovie Heroes CategoryNamekians CategoryOtherworld Warriors CategoryPeppy Gals CategoryPlanet Namek Saga CategoryPlanetary Destruction CategoryPotara CategoryPower Absorption CategoryPower Beyond Super Saiyan CategoryPower of Wishes CategoryPowerful Comeback CategoryPure Saiyans CategoryRapid Growth CategoryRealm of Gods CategoryRepresentatives of Universe 7 CategoryResurrected Warriors CategoryRevenge CategorySaiyan Saga CategorySaviors CategoryShadow Dragon Saga CategorySiblings' Bond CategorySpace-Traveling Warriors CategorySpecial Pose CategoryStoried Figures CategorySuper Bosses CategorySuper Heroes CategorySuper Saiyans CategorySuper Saiyan 2 CategorySuper Saiyan 3 CategorySworn Enemies CategoryTarget Goku CategoryTeam Bardock CategoryTerrifying Conquerors CategoryTime Limit CategoryTime Travelers CategoryTournament Participants CategoryTransformation Boost CategoryTurtle School CategoryUncontrollable Power CategoryUniverse 6 CategoryUniverse 11 CategoryUniverse Survival Saga CategoryVegeta's Family CategoryWicked Bloodline CategoryWorld Tournament CategoryWorldwide Chaos CategoryWorthy Rivals CategoryYouth Category

Tier List Storied Figures
S Tier2 A Tier2 B Tier2 C Tier2
Support Units2 S Tier2 A Tier2 B Tier2 Honorable Mentions2

Storied Figures CategoryBack to tier list
S Tier

Card 1028810 thumb
Leader icon[1]
The Awakened Ego and Joy of Combat Majin Buu (Good)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Astounding tank
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Active Skill can be reliably used
- Excellent healer
Tier List Minus- Abysmal linkset
- Revive specifically requires Buu to be KOed and there are no other ally on the team with such mechanic
Card 1023490 thumb-Z
Majin of Destruction Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Plethora of relevant allies on the team that meets his Category requirements
- Excellent healer
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus???
Card 1029930 thumb
Creation of a Dark World Dark King Demigra (Power of Time Unleashed)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Additional boost is easily met due to Mechikabura being available in the team
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus- Obtaining a full damage reduction requires running an Extreme Class team
Card 1021050 thumb-Z
Murderous Overlord Boujack
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Transformation condition is simple to fulfill
- Supports every Team Bardock allies with his passive
Tier List Minus- Every Boujack allies that shares most of his links are severely outclassed
Card 1023190 thumb-Z
Infinite Power of Darkness Dark King Mechikabura (Power of Time Unleashed)
Tier List Plus- Excellent nuker
- Decent debuffer
- Excellent tank
Tier List Minus- Aside from Big Bad Bosses, none of his links can be reliably activated
Card 1019590 thumb-Z
Split Into Good and Evil Majin Buu (Good)/Majin Buu (Pure Evil)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Astounding tank
- Additional boost is easily fulfilled by running INT Majin Buu (Good) on the team
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- Active Skill transformation to Super Buu takes a long time to trigger
- Loses evasion after using Active Skill
Card 1028160 thumb
Terrifying Phantom Majin Hirudegarn
Tier List Plus- Astounding hard-hitter
- Astounding tank
- Transformation has no conditions aside from being turn-based
- Infinite DEF stacker
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
Card 1028520 thumb
Regality King Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Decent support unit
- Excellent tank
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus- Ki support requires King Vegeta be placed as the 1st or 2nd attacker but he cannot tank before attacking
- Unable to run any Vegeta allies for his additional support boost
Card 1019140 thumb-Z
Raging Counterattack Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Active Skill condition is simple and easy to fulfill even without the Category bonus
- Great linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Doesn't link with the leader until Bardock transforms into a Super Saiyan
Card 1015110 thumb-Z
Wrathful Eruption Majin Buu (Good)
Tier List Plus- Great AoE unit
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Ineffective in events facing only one enemy
Card 1025090 thumb
Leader icon
Battle Against the Fate of Annihilation Bardock
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Excellent linkset
- Active Skill conditions are easy to fulfill
- Every Team Bardock, Crossover Bardock and King Vegeta allies benefit from his additional leader skill boost
- Even if his rainbow ki changing conditions are a hard to met, INT Fasha could help with that greatly
Tier List Minus- His initial passive requires running other Goku allies under Bardock's secondary leader skill but it also has the downside of weakening his fellow Team Bardock allies
Card 1024800 thumb
Planetary Invasion Scene Fasha
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitter
- Excellent tank
- Excellent linkset
- Great stunner
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus???

Support Units

S Tier

Card 1003310 thumb-SZ
Heartless Destruction Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Excellent support unit
- Excellent tank
Tier List Minus- Has no SA effect aside from lowering DEF
Card 1029910 thumb
Space-Time Selector Aeos
Tier List Plus- Great support unit
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Crossover allies are subpar in the team

A Tier

Card 1025670 thumb
Sub Leader Icon
Saiyan Alliance Tora
Tier List Plus- Excellent support unit
- Excellent tank
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- While his condition requiring a Bardock ally is easily met, neither of them are capable of tanking before attacking
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1017780 thumbLR icon thumbE.TEQ icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Overwhelming Power Restored Demon King Piccolo (Elder)
Tier List Plus- Great tank
- Decent Ki changer support
- Okay nuker
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Transformation time is too long unless he face the appropriate categories
Card 1011780 thumb-Z
Mark of Saiyan Strength Super Saiyan 3 Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitting unit
- Great linkset
- Great tank
- Excellent offensive support unit
- Great sealer
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Only Chance of a Super Evolution Super Saiyan 2 Bardock meets his guarantee additional Super Attack condition
Card 1010320 thumb-Z
Chance of a Super Evolution Super Saiyan 2 Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Great stunner
- Excellent linkset
Tier List Minus- Only Super Saiyan 3 Bardock meets his additional attack condition
Card 1025340 thumb
Battle Instinct to Resist Fate Super Saiyan 4 Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Loses most of his additional boosts at low HP
Card 1010300 thumb-Z
Furious Charge Super Saiyan Bardock
Tier List Plus- Decent Ki changer
- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Excellent linkset
- Great sealer
Tier List Minus- Won't likely be able to get their 8 Ki boost unless you set up the Ki Spheres beforehand
Card 1012460 thumb-Z
Hero on a Mission Tapion
Tier List Plus- Great debuffer
- Great hard-hitter and tank
- Plethora of relevant Movie Bosses allies for his additional boost
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- No other Movie Heroes that benefit from his support besides himself
Frame SSR PHY thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1014020 thumbLR icon thumbS.PHY icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Dazzling Life Force Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter
- Great tank
- Great sealer
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Shares the same name as the main leader, rendering them unable to activate each others links
Card 1019240 thumb-Z
Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock
Tier List Plus- Decent nuker
- Excellent tank
- Great sealer
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus???
Card 1019220 thumb-Z
Ruffian's Strike Shugesh
Tier List Plus- Infinite DEF stacker
- Decent debuffer
- Great hard-hitter and tank
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Requires a sealer for him to get the guaranteed stun and critical hit
Card 1019170 thumb-Z
Infinite Power Borgos
Tier List Plus- Great boosts
- Great stunner
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus???
Card 1019090 thumb-Z
Cunning Moves Fasha
Tier List Plus- Great defensive unit
- Decent debuffer
- Excellent linkset
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
-Fulfill Bardock's Conditions
Tier List Minus???
Card 1020840 thumb-Z
Warrior Shrouded in Darkness Dark Masked King
Tier List Plus- Decent tank
- Decent debuffer
- Great healer
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- Dragon Ball Heroes allies are suboptimal in the team
Card 1010290 thumb-Z
Dark Intentions Masked Saiyan
Tier List Plus- Decent debuffer
- Great hard-hitter
- Decent tank
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- His additional boosts are nullified when fighting multiple enemies
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1012160 thumbLR icon thumbE.INT icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior)
Tier List Plus- Great hard-hitter and tank
- Ki-chaning passive will easily be met in the team
Tier List Minus- Requires another Boujack unit such as his STR counterpart to activate most of his links
- Every relevant ally on the team is of Super Class, leaving him to struggle for Ki in the team
Card 1020820 thumb-Z
True Power of a Demon God Demigra (Makyouka Form)
Tier List Plus- Decent hard-hitter and tank
- Great Extreme Class supporter
- Decent debuffer
Tier List Minus- Crossover allies are very scarce
- Mediocre linkset
Card 1021330 thumb
Righteous Otherworld Defense Paikuhan
Tier List Plus- Decent attacker
- Strong specialist supporter and evasive & debuff utility
- Active Skill provides great breathing room
Tier List Minus- Due to the nature of his support boost, Paikuhan may not always be able to compromise for his linkset
- Lack of Goku (Angel) and Vegeta (Angel) units on the team leaves his Unit Super Attack in stasis
Card 1016750 thumb-Z
Intensely Trained Body and Mind Super Paikuhan
Tier List Plus- Great debuffer
- Decent hard-hitter
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- Poor linkset
Frame SSR STR thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1021970 thumbLR icon thumbS.STR icon thumb

Sub Leader Icon
True Heroes Tapion & Minotia
Tier List Plus- Great defensive and strong offensive capabilities
- Supports both Storied Figures and secondary Siblings' Bond
- Passive Skill supports damage reduction buildup as well as debuffing
Tier List Minus- Due to Link Skills, their support boosts and outside supports are their only measures of attaining Ki
- Horrible synergy with the team outside of other Tapion units
- Active Skill can only be attained by running other Tapion allies on the team
Card 1012420 thumb-Z
Phantom Majin Sealed Within Tapion (Hirudegarn)
Tier List Plus- Immovable object with surprising offense
- Strong debuffer
- Hirudegarn form offers invincibility and extra damage output
- Great links with Tapion & Minotia as well as satisfying their Active Skill conditions
Tier List Minus- Links poorly with the team outside of other Tapion units

Support Units

A Tier

Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1019100 thumbLR icon thumbS.INT icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Grand Opening Team Bardock
Tier List Plus- Excellent Super Class allies supporter
- Decent tank
- Great linkset
Tier List Minus???
Card 1010310 thumb-Z
Courage in the Heat of Battle Super Saiyan Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great support unit
- Excellent tank
- Excellent linkset
- Great sealer
- Benefit from Bardock's additional leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Guard doesn't trigger on the first hit, causing him to take significant damage or even worse, one-shotted by an enemy Super beforehand
Card 1019200 thumb-Z
Total Invasion Tora
Tier List Plus- Great supporting unit
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Decent healer
- Excellent linkset
Tier List Minus???
Card 1025470 thumb-Z
Blazing Gale Paikuhan
Tier List Plus- Great support unit
- Excellent debuffer
- Decent tank
Tier List Minus- Abysmal linkset

B Tier

Card 1009640 thumb-Z
Transcendent Majin Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Excellent hard-hitting unit
- Decent tank
- Great healer
- Okay Ki support
Tier List Minus- Loses his passive boost as your HP gets weaker
- Shares no Ki links outside of his fellow Majins
Card 1020110 thumb
Duty to Maintain Peace West Supreme Kai
Tier List Plus- Decent hard-hitter
- Great tank
Tier List Minus- Only Demigra benefits from her support
- Mediocre linkset
Card 1010940 thumb-Z
Clever Strategy Paikuhan
Tier List Plus- Great debuffer
- Self-sustainable
- Okay all-round unit
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Ki boost does not work against multiple enemies
- No other Otherworld Warriors allies besides himself
Card 1008130 thumb-Z
Raging Dash Majin Buu (South Supreme Kai)
Tier List Plus- Decent healer
- Decent tank
- Great hard-hitter
Tier List Minus- Defensive power peters out as HP plummets
- Shares no Ki links with non-Majin units
Card 1007120 thumb-Z
Majin on the Loose Majin Buu (Good)
Tier List Plus- Healing can prove to be very clutch
- Self-sustainable
- Great hard-hitter and tank
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
Card 1016630 thumb
King of the Evil Realm Demon King Piccolo
Tier List Plus- Great debuffer
- Decent tank
- Self-sustainable
- Decent hard-hitter
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Unit becomes weaker after 5 turns
Card 1020920 thumb
Power to Distort History Demigra
Tier List Plus- Decent stunner
- Decent hard-hitter and tank
Tier List Minus- Will never receive his second boost in this team
- Mediocre linkset
Card 1011040 thumb JP
Blazing Clash Paikuhan
Tier List Plus- Great debuffer
- Decent hard-hitter
Tier List Minus- Poor linkset
- No DEF boost
- JP only
- Completely outclassed by his AGL counterpart
Card 1021440 thumb-Z
Power Demonstrated in Clashes Bardock (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Okay boosts
Tier List Minus- Requires multiple of enemies to activate full boost
- Wicked Bloodline enemies are rather scarce
- Mediocre linkset
- Great Ape transformation is unreliable
Card 1021030 thumb
Evil Paralysis Zangya
Tier List Plus- Excellent debuffer
- Great healer
Tier List Minus- Will never receive the full boost
- Links poorly outside of Boujack units
Card 1013260 thumb
Feverish Battlefield Borgos (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Okay nuker
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
Card 1011350 thumb
Low-Class, High-Octane Bardock (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Okay ATK boost
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- No DEF boost
- Unreliable Giant Form transformation
Card 1010460 thumb
Tyrannical Maelstrom Full Power Boujack
Tier List Plus- Best linking partner for STR Boujack
- Decent ATK boost
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- No DEF boost
- Doesn't really have much of a purpose outside of Boujack's linking partner
Card 1005000 thumb-Z
Uncontrollable Instinct Buu (Kid)
Tier List Plus- Decent healer
Tier List Minus- Poor linkset
- Very low stats for an EZA
- Low Ki multiplier
- Abysmal nuker
Card 1010450 thumb
Horrific Super Energy Full Power Boujack
Tier List Plus- Decent ATK boost
- Decent link partner for LR Bojack
Tier List Minus- Extreme multiplier
- Low F2P stats
Card 1011360 thumb
Tenacious Battlefield Diva Fasha (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Okay Ki changer support
- Okay linkset
Tier List Minus- Minimal boosts
Card 1013250 thumb
Greedy Attack Mode Shugesh (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus???
Tier List Minus- Flat boosts
- Abysmal linkset
Card 1007980 thumb
Terrifying Plot Demon King Piccolo (Elder)
Tier List PlusGreat debuffer
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
Card 1007140 thumb
Burning Soul Super Saiyan Bardock
Tier List Plus- Okay sealer
- Great linkset
- Self-sustainable
Tier List Minus- Flat modifier
- Low WT stats

Support Units

B Tier

Card 1030180 thumb
A God Praying for Peace Grand Supreme Kai
Tier List Plus- Decent tank
Tier List Minus- Mediocre linkset
- Only Majin Buu allies meets his requirements
Card 1024030 thumb-Z
An Invasion Bet on Primacy King Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Decent debuffer
- Decent support unit
- Decent tank
- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- No other ally on the team fully benefit from King Vegeta's support
Card 1013240 thumb
Plucky Low-Class Warrior Tora (Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Decent support for the team
- Okay linkset
- Decent debuffer
- Great healer
Tier List Minus- No Prepared for Battle
- Unreliable Giant Form transformation

C Tier


Honorable Mentions


  1. Note: Some units are at the top of these lists due to their position as high-percentage Class Type/Category leader, not necessarily because they are the best unit within the format. Some leaders fit both positions.