Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character pages will be banned immediately, regardless if your revert it or not.


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Tier Lists Navigation
SAGL iconSTEQ iconSINT iconSSTR iconSPHY icon Super label
EAGL iconETEQ iconEINT iconESTR iconEPHY icon Extreme label
Accelerated Battle CategoryAll-Out Struggle CategoryAndroids CategoryAndroids-Cell Saga CategoryArtificial Life Forms CategoryBattle of Fate CategoryBattle of Wits CategoryBond of Friendship CategoryBond of Master and Disciple CategoryBond of Parent and Child CategoryConnected Hope CategoryCorroded Body and Mind CategoryCrossover CategoryDB Saga CategoryDefenders of Justice CategoryDemonic Power CategoryDragon Ball Heroes CategoryDragon Ball Seekers CategoryEarth-Bred Fighters CategoryEarth-Protecting Heroes CategoryEarthlings CategoryEntrusted Will CategoryExploding Rage CategoryFinal Trump Card CategoryFull Power CategoryFused Fighters CategoryFusion CategoryFuture Saga CategoryGiant Ape Power CategoryGiant Form CategoryGifted Warriors CategoryGinyu Force CategoryGoku's Family CategoryGT Bosses CategoryGT Heroes CategoryHeavenly Events CategoryHybrid Saiyans CategoryInhuman Deeds CategoryJoined Forces CategoryKamehameha CategoryLegendary Existence CategoryLow-Class Warrior CategoryMajin Buu Saga CategoryMajin Power CategoryMastered Evolution CategoryMiraculous Awakening CategoryMovie Bosses CategoryMovie Heroes CategoryNamekians CategoryOtherworld Warriors CategoryPeppy Gals CategoryPlanet Namek Saga CategoryPlanetary Destruction CategoryPotara CategoryPower Absorption CategoryPower Beyond Super Saiyan CategoryPower of Wishes CategoryPowerful Comeback CategoryPure Saiyans CategoryRapid Growth CategoryRealm of Gods CategoryRepresentatives of Universe 7 CategoryResurrected Warriors CategoryRevenge CategorySaiyan Saga CategorySaviors CategoryShadow Dragon Saga CategorySiblings' Bond CategorySpace-Traveling Warriors CategorySpecial Pose CategoryStoried Figures CategorySuccessors CategorySuper Bosses CategorySuper Heroes CategorySuper Saiyans CategorySuper Saiyan 2 CategorySuper Saiyan 3 CategorySworn Enemies CategoryTarget Goku CategoryTeam Bardock CategoryTerrifying Conquerors CategoryTime Limit CategoryTime Travelers CategoryTournament Participants CategoryTransformation Boost CategoryTurtle School CategoryUncontrollable Power CategoryUniverse 6 CategoryUniverse 11 CategoryUniverse Survival Saga CategoryVegeta's Family CategoryWicked Bloodline CategoryWorld Tournament CategoryWorldwide Chaos CategoryWorthy Rivals CategoryYouth Category

Tier List Super Saiyan 3
S Tier2 A Tier2 B Tier2 C Tier2
Support Units2 S Tier2 A Tier2 B Tier2 Honorable Mentions2

Super Saiyan 3 CategoryBack to tier list
S Tier

Frame SSR AGL thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1030340 thumbLR icon thumbS.AGL icon thumb
Ultimate Saiyan Power Roar Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape)
Tier List PlusSuper Saiyan 3 Goku (GT):
- Unconditional +200% ATK along with an additional ATK for every 3 Ki and guaranteed crit allow Goku to hit tremendously hard
- Guard and evasion give allow Goku to defend himself until it's the time to turn in a Golden Giant Ape
- Provides Ki from Ki Spheres to get the Ki meters needed to get his max Ki meter
- Supports Power Beyond Super Saiyan (read every ally here) with DEF
Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape):
- Despite only lasting for 1 turn, having a 300% ATK boost and guaranteed crit meant that he's capable of taking out chunks of the enemy's HP during the brief moment he's available
Super Saiyan 4 Goku:
- Gives a significant ATK boost along with guaranteed additional Super and crit that allow Goku to hit particularly hard
- Stacks DEF infinitely with each Super Attack
- Gives every ally on the team DEF and damage reduction
- Recovers HP everytime your HP falls below 44%
Tier List Minus- Goku's links are mediocre for the Category standards as he has no Limit-Breaking Form or Over in a Flash to link with his the team even as a Super Saiyan 3
Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1030020 thumbLR icon thumbS.TEQ icon thumb
Audacious Finish Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Tier List Plus- Unconditional +200% ATK along with an additional ATK on receiving an attack as well as increasing based on his Ki meter along with a guaranteed additional Super and criticals allow Gotenks to hit tremendously hard
- With a Final Trump Card ally on rotation, Gotenks gets up to 55% damage reduction which along with a DEF boost when receiving attacks, allow Gotenks to fill the valuable slot 1 tank
- Against Ki Blast Super Attacks, Gotenks not only shrug them off but also counter back with tremendous power
- Shares Over in a Flash to link with the other Super Saiyan 3s
Tier List Minus- Lacks Limit-Breaking Form to link with the other Super Saiyan 3s
- Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Gotenks are the only Final Trump Card allies that meets his damage reduction conditions
- Additional DEF boost against Super Attacks isn't guaranteed, potentially ending your run against non-Ki Blast Super Attacks once his initial damage reduction is up
Card 1023460 thumb-Z
Battle to Protect Tomorrow Super Saiyan 2 Goku
Tier List PlusBefore Transforming:
- Unconditional Ki +2 and 200% ATK and DEF buffs while also having 70% chance of a critical hit
- Gains 200% extra ATK & DEF when performing a Super Attack
- Has a guaranteed additional with a 50% of it becoming a Super Attack
- SA raises his DEF and does immense damage
-Shares a good number of links with his Angel counterpart
- Transformation condition is easy to fulfill
- If he's above the HP threshold, he gets an additional +200% DEF and guaranteed guard so he isn't defenseless if he cannot transform
After Transforming:
- Passive is buffed to Ki +3 and 300% ATK and DEF unconditionally and for the first 6 turns after transformation, his critical hit chance is boosted to 70%.
- - Gains 200% extra ATK & DEF when performing a Super Attack while gaining another 100% ATK and 200% DEF for 6 turns after Transformation
- SA raises his DEF and does immense damage
- Linkset is severely more useful after transforming.
Tier List Minus- Only has Prepared for Battle in his SS2 form, which hurts his ability to synergize with the team
Card 1028790 thumb
Pressed-for-Time Showdown Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional ATK +150% along with an additional ATK +150% on a Super as well as crit chance, 1 additional with a 70% chance of Super and guaranteed additional Super in slot 2 or 3 allow Goku to hit very hard
- +150% DEF along with an additional +150% DEF on a Super as well as guaranteed guard in slot 1 make him a powerful tank
- Initial passive gives himself a full damage reduction that depletes each turn, giving him ample time to set up his permanent damage reduction once they wore off
- Has a 50% chance to counter enemy's Ki Blast supers
- Majin Buu Saga has a plethora of relevant allies which includes Gotenks or the AGL Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Minus- Goku's initial damage reduction drops rapidly over time
Card 1017410 thumb-Z
Leader icon
Rousing Fighting Spirit Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel)
Tier List PlusBefore Transforming:
- Unconditional 150% ATK and DEF buffs, which can be further bolstered depending on HP
- Gains 120% extra ATK & DEF when collecting 3 or more ki spheres
- SA raises his ATK and does immense damage
-Decent linkset for the time
- Transformation condition is not too difficult
After Transforming:
- Passive is buffed to 200% ATK and DEF unconditionally and can be increased by 150% more depending on HP count.
- Gets 33% ATK, DEF and evasion when getting 3 or more ki spheres, whereas he also can be effective against all types with 6 or more.
Super attack greatly raises his ATK, can stun, and does immense damage.
- Linkset is severely more useful after transforming.
Tier List Minus- Only has Prepared for Battle in his SS2 form, which hurts his ability to synergize with the team
Card 1019630 thumb-Z
Astounding Fusion Power Gotenks
Tier List PlusBefore Transforming:
- Unconditional +2 Ki and 200% ATK & DEF buffs
- Gains an additional ATK & DEF +50% on a Super
- Has a 50% chance of an additional super
- Has a 50% evasion chance and if he evades one attack, it's increased to 60% for that turn
- Transformation condition is incredibly simple to fulfill
- SA raises his DEF and does immense damage
After Transforming:
- Passive can be raised up to an additional 250% ATK and DEF boost
- Has a 50 or 100% ATK boost and 30% to crit on a Super Attack
- Super Attack chance is raised to 70%
- Evasion boost is increased to 70% if he evades one attack for the turn
- Super attack greatly raises his DEF, can stun with a great chance, and does immense damage.
After using Active Skill:
- Massive ATK & DEF boost of up to 300%
- Chance of an additional Super Attack is completely unconditional
Super attack greatly raises his ATK & DEF (without the SA penalty), can stun with a great chance, and does immense damage.
- Link becomes much more useful as Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
- Has a 70% chance of evasion and if he evades one attack, this chance is increased to 90% for that turn
- Has a guaranteed crit in the turn he appears and a 50% chance for the rest of the turn
Tier List Minus- Active Skill conditions takes a long time to trigger
- Lacks any reliable Ki links outside of his Super Saiyan 3 form
- Super Saiyan Gotenks' recovery reliant on RNG
Card 1027620 thumb
Exploding Fist Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Plus- Unconditional Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +200% along with an additional ATK & DEF +150% on a Super Attack
- Gets an unconditional 30% critical and 50% dodge chance
- If he's not placed in slot 1, he gets an additional ATK & DEF +159% and +20% chance to crit and evade
- If his HP is below 59%, he gets another 159% ATK and 50% chance to crit
- Shares the ideal Super Saiyan 3 linkset in the team
- Standby Skill is pretty easy to use even without the HP condition
- During the Standby Mode, Goku has a 70-90% chance of evading normal attacks and if there is a Super Attack redirected to him, he will counter the enemy and gets a guaranteed evasion for the rest of the turn
- Goku's Standby Mode has an unconditional scouter effect to allow him to anticipate where the Super will land for his Finish Attack
Tier List Minus
Card 1003210 thumb-SZ
Mystery Super Technique Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Plus- Good unconditional attack and defense boost of +200% along with an additional 150% for the first 5 turns
- Very good multiplicative damage output thanks to +150-100% ATK & DEF
- Has an unconditional critical chance while providing other allies with a crit chance
- Has a 50% to launch an additional Super for the first 7 turns from his appearance
- Has a 30% to dodge along with an additional 30% before he attacks
- Shares the ideal Super Saiyan 3 linkset in the team
Tier List Minus- Additional super chance is turn restricted to 7 turns so can struggle on longer events
- Has no Super Attack effect besides lowering enemy's DEF
- Shares the same name as his STR counterpart, leaving them unable to link before the former's Standby Skill
Card 1006210 thumb-SZ
Grim Reaper of Justice's Rampage Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Tier List Plus- Unconditional +150% ATK & DEF along with an additional +200% ATK and +100% DEF allow him to hit very hard
- Has crit and damage reduction at exactly 11 Ki which works even if there are other units that gives him Ki mid-turn
- At 12 Ki, Gotenks has a 50% chance to dodge along with a separate 33% dodge on a Super Attack
- Able to consistently get his 11 ki Super Attack, which makes him one of the hardest hitters on the team
- Links very well with all the other SS3s in the team
Tier List Minus- His ideal partner shares both Ki links with him after turning into SS3, leaving his 11-Ki impossible to attain
- At 12-Ki Super, Gotenks' Super Attack multiplier is nerfed to immense and has no other Super Attack effect besides lowering enemy's DEF
- Gotenks' boost with each attack performed requires multiple attacks but he has no built-in additionals aside from his Hidden Potential
Card 1027750 thumb
Leader icon
Evolved Immortal Body Crimson Masked Saiyan (Super Saiyan Rosé 3)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +180% along with an additional ATK & DEF +150% when attacking
- Guard conditions are easily met as most of the SS3 allies belong to the Crossover team anyway
- Transformation has no other conditions aside from being turn-based
- Full Power Rosé boost is increased to +4 Ki and ATK & DEF +200-350% along with an additional ATK & DEF +150% on an attack
- Full Power Rosé gives signficant HP recovery to the team and has a guaranteed guard against all attacks
- Has an unconditional AA with a 50% chance of being a Super
- The majority of the team benefits from his 200% leader skill boost
Tier List Minus- Despite being the main leader for the team, Crimson Masked Saiyan lacks Over in a Flash or Limit-Breaking Form to link with the other SS3s on the team
- Full Power Rosé's conditional additionals requires him to fight against an "SSGSS" type of enemy which are absolutely non-existent and even then it isn't guaranteed
Card 1023280 thumb-Z
Power to Overcome Crisis Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (Xeno)
Tier List Plus- Decent boosts at the start
- Lower enemy ATK with each Super Attack and given that he gets 2 guaranteed Super AttackS, this effect is amplified
- Will easily achieve their additional Super Attack condition as Super Saiyan 3 is dominated by Heroes units
- Builds up rather quickly thanks to his guaranteed Super Attack conditions
- Has a guaranteed unconditional crit
- Strong linkset
Tier List Minus- No Limit-Breaking Form to link with the SS3s
- Despite being meant to be paired with Wishing for a Peaceful History Super Saiyan 3 Gohanks (Xeno), neither of them are slot 1 tanks
- Having nothing but raw DEF meant that they won't be able to age particularly well
Card 1023290 thumb-Z
Wishing for a Peaceful History Super Saiyan 3 Gohanks (Xeno)
Tier List Plus- Decent boosts at the start
- Lower enemy ATK with each Super Attack and given that he gets 2 guaranteed Super Attacks, this effect is amplified
- Will easily achieve their additional Super Attack condition as Super Saiyan 3 is dominated by Heroes units
- Builds up rather quickly thanks to his guaranteed Super Attack conditionss
- Has a guaranteed unconditional crit
- Strong linkset
Tier List Minus- No Limit-Breaking Form to link with the SS3s
- Despite being meant to be paired with Power to Overcome Crisis Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (Xeno), neither of them are slot 1 tanks
- Having nothing but raw DEF meant that they won't be able to age particularly well

Support Units

S Tier

Card 1011780 thumb-Z
Leader icon
Mark of Saiyan Strength Super Saiyan 3 Bardock
Tier List Plus- Unconditional 100% ATK & DEF with an additional 100% ATK and DEF when performing supers, which cause immense damage and seals enemy supers.
- Can give all super class allies' 50% ATK for extra damage.
- Has a excellent linkset that can be useful with many units.
- Additional Super Attack condition is automatically met as every ally on the team belong to the Power Beyond Super Saiyan Category
Tier List Minus- Is extremely frail before performing super attacks, as that is when he gets his DEF buffs
- Unfortunately not on the Dragonball Heroes category which would've benefited several units on the team quite a lot
Card 1008290 thumb
Inklings of Ultimate Power Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape)
Tier List Plus- Gives 33% ATK to all allies, best support due to some restrictions.
- Can raise his ATK on supers meaning he can hit fairly harder.
- His Golden Giant Ape transformation gives him free invincibility and huge ATK for more damage.
- Linkset has great viability with the team overall.
Tier List Minus- Can be extremely frail due to no defensive buffs.
- His stats are below average, and might not meet expectations.

A Tier

Frame SSR TEQ thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1012720 thumbLR icon thumbS.TEQ icon thumbEZA icon thumb
Golden Fist Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Plus- Starts off as a solid tank with a solid 200% DEF buff
- Gains an additional 120% ATK & DEF on a Super Attack
- Will gain a giant 200% ATK buff when performing an 18 Ki SA
- Has a sizeable damage reduction before he performs an Ultra Super Attack
- Gains an additional ATK boost and stacking Ki with each Super Attack he performs
- He can gain a huge amount of a 1-time boost in a desperate pinch
- Has an amazing linkset that can work with many units.
Tier List Minus- His big caveat is that he loses the 50% damage reduction on his 18 ki SA, meaning he is a glass cannon.
- Damage Output on his 12ki is very mediocre
- Despite requiring 18-Ki to hit hard, he has no way of providing Ki for himself outside of his links
- Additional boost requires multiple Super Attacks but Goku has sources of additionals to buildup faster
- He shares the same name as his STR counterpart and neither of them are slot 1 characters
Card 1018330 thumb-Z
Limit-Breaking Super Power Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Xeno)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional +150% ATK+DEF
- Guards against all attacks, which makes him a great defensive unit
- Gets 7% damage reduction (up to 35%) per Dragonball Heroes category ally along with an additional boost to damage reduction for the first 3 turns
- Additional +50% attack and defense when performing a Super Attack
- 70% chance to stun the enemy on SA
- Great Linkset
Tier List Minus- Requires full roster of DBH units to maximize his defensive utility against the hardest content in the game, which limits team-building
Card 1007740 thumb-Z
Blazing Fusion Warrior Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (Teen)
Tier List Plus- Provides tremendous boosts for himself
- Unlike other Heroes units, Gotenks shares Fierce Battle, allowing him to link better with non-Heroes units
- Able to rapidly stack DEF with chance of an additional Super Attack
Tier List Minus- Chance of an additional Super Attack only lasts for 5 turns
Card 1010260 thumb-Z
Astounding Transformation Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel)
Tier List Plus- Great damage output thanks to an unconditional +130% ATK and the ability to get an extra +30% ATK per rainbow orb as well as a 7 turn type effectiveness while also being capable of tanking enemy attacks due to having a similar DEF boost
- Great linkset
- 30% chance to stun on SA
- Chance to creat Rainbow orbs for the team
Tier List Minus- Unlike other units, his Ki-changing passive is not guaranteed
Card 1016770 thumb-Z
Unmeasurable Super Combat Power Super Saiyan 3 Gohan (Teen)
Tier List Plus- Provides a tremendous amount of boost for himself
- Seals enemy with his Super Attack
- Gains several useful boosts with additional Ki Spheres
- Great Linkset
Tier List Minus- Can be quite difficult to attain his full boost due to the lack of Ki-changers (aside from SS3 Angel Goku's 50% chance)
Card 1018340 thumb-Z
Roused Prince Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Xeno)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional ATK+DEF +100% and disables enemies guard
- Additional +50% ATK & DEF on SA
- Additional +20% ATK (up to 100%), and chance of performing a critical hit +7% (up to 35%) per Dragonball Heroes ally
- Has a 50% chance to launch an additional Super Attack for 3 turns from start of turn
Tier List Minus- Requires a full roster of Dragonball Heroes units to optimize his passive at the expense of other more viable allies
Card 1011060 thumb-Z
Naught but Rampage Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Tier List Plus- Devastating attacker with strong DEF to boot
- 11 Ki Super Attack shreds foes with Type advantage
- Burst boosts & evasion allow Gotenks to be explosive from the get-go
- Strong linkset
Tier List Minus- Peak of power requires maintenance of 11 Ki, which his ki-abundant linkset works against
- Burst boosts not suited for a long battle
Card 1014760 thumb-Z
Boiling Power Super Saiyan Goku
Tier List Plus- Good offensive and defensive unit in all forms thanks to unconditional boosts to ATK+DEF, damage mitigation, and the ability to stack ATK++DEF until he reaches Super Saiyan Blue
- Links well with the leader in almost all forms
- Gains Over in a Flash after transforming into Super Saiyan 3
- Can be used as a viable sub-lead for the team as all but one allies are Super Class
Tier List Minus- Loses some common links such as Experienced Fighters and Golden Warrior once reaching Super Saiyan God
- Only gains Limit-Breaking Form in his Super Saiyan 3 state
Card 1016740 thumb-Z
All-New Power Super Saiyan 3 Trunks (Teen)
Tier List Plus- Very solid defensive unit thanks to an unconditional ATK+DEF +120%, a 9 turn 30% DEF stack on Super Attack, and a 50% chance to guard all attacks
Tier List Minus- Leaves a lot to be desired offensively
- His chance to guard isn't guaranteed, which can screw you over depending on RNG
Card 1021980 thumb
Engaged in a Fierce Fight Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (GT)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional ATK+DEF +120%
- ATK +60% and DEF +30% for 5 turns after being attacked along with an additional boost each time he gets hit
- Raises DEF by 30% for 6 turns on SA
Tier List Minus- Hard to make use of his passive and SA effects as a floater since he isnt strong enough for a main rotation spot
- Lacks Over in a Flash shared with the other SS3s
Card 1021990 thumb
Massive Ki Released Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Unconditional ATK+DEF +120%
- Gains an additional ATK, DEF and crit chance with attack he receives
- 40% damage mitigation
- 6 turn DEF raise on SA
Tier List Minus- Aside from facing INT units, his Damage mitigation is reliant on his 30-50% to guard
- Lacks Over in a Flash shared with other SS3s
- His additional boost is entirely reliant on tanking enemy attacks which can screw you over if guard fails to activate
Card 1010250 thumb-Z
Burgeoning Strength Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel)
Tier List Plus- Good linkset
- Hits decently well in the first 5 turns
- Self-sufficient with Ki +3
- 30% chance to stun on SA
Tier List Minus- His DEF leaves a lot to be desired
- Once his 5 turns are up, Goku's damage drops drastically to abysmal levels
Card 1005730 thumb-Z
Warrior's True Value Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta
Tier List Plus- 80% damage mitigation for 10 turns
- 50% chance to stun on Super Attack
- Links well with the rest of the team
Tier List Minus- Offense boost is locked behind attacking a stunned enemy which does not happen often
- Against longer events, his mitigation will expire and cause him to basically be dead weight, though only a handful of events last that long
Card 1011170 thumb-Z
Mythic Evolution Super Saiyan 3 Broly
Tier List Plus- Unconditional 120% ATK and DEF boost

- Also nukes by gaining 12% ATK with every Ki Sphere obtained
- Has a medium (25%) chance of launching an additional Super Attack with 3 or more TEQ icon Ki Spheres obtained

- Decent linkset
Tier List Minus- Still debuffs own DEF by 6% with every Ki Sphere obtained

- Third passive boost requires a specific amount of specific Ki Spheres to activate
- Third passive boost is not always guaranteed if 3 or more TEQ icon Ki Spheres are collected
- Lacks Over in a Flash shared with other SS3s
- Unable to be supported by SS3 Bardock's passive

- Has no Super Attack effect besides lowering DEF
Card 1020620 thumb-Z
Resolve for the Final Battle Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Plus- Gives himself a sizeable boost of up to +180%
- Shares the common Over in a Flash link shared with other Super Saiyan 3s
Tier List Minus- Will never be able to launch his Unit Super Attack due to being unable to run Hercule in this team unless you run Super INT Hercule allies
- Links are much worse after "transformation"
- Will never be able to receive critical hit bonus as there isn't enough Majin Buu Saga allies to encompass the entire category
- Running him unfortunately forgoes the other superior Super Saiyan 3 Goku units
Card 1005030 thumb-Z
Clutching Victory Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Plus- 140% ATK at full HP
- Good linkset
Tier List Minus- 40% DEF just isn't good enough
- Offensive power can get cut nearly in half if you start the turn with low enough HP

Support Units

A Tier

Card 1012850 thumb
To a Faraway World Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Tier List Plus- 33% ATK+DEF is very good support
- Has a great linkset
Tier List Minus- Competes with several extremely good units who share his name
- Very low base stats

B Tier

Card 1012770 thumb
Zealous Offensive Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional 90% ATK+DEF
- Good linkset
Tier List Minus- Nothing inherently wrong with him, just doesn't do anything as well units above him
Card 1005740 thumb-Z
Power to Decimate Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta
Tier List Plus- Unconditional 90% ATK
- Effectively supers early by giving himself 2 ki when he is at 10 ki
- 120% DEF when attacking
- Lowers attack on super
Tier List Minus- Lacks both Over in a Flash and Prepared for Battle which hurts his ability to synergize with the team
- Competes with a unit who is generally much more useful than him
- If you don't get him to 10 ki, he has no defensive boost
Card 1012780 thumb
Limitless Saiyan Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (GT)
Tier List Plus- Unconditional 90% ATK+DEF
- Raises DEF by 30% for 3 turns on SA
Tier List Minus- Lacks both Prepared for Battle and Over in a Flash
Card 1008190 thumb
Saiyan Counterattack Super Saiyan 3 Bardock
Tier List Plus- Great Linkset
- ATK +80% on Super
Tier List Minus-80% DEF, while good, is gated behind a 5 turn restriction
- Shares name with a Dokkanfest Leader
- Base SSR so stats are low

Support Units

B Tier

Card 1011740 thumb
New Possibilities Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT)
Tier List Plus- Good Linkset
- Good support of Ki +2 and 25% ATK
Tier List Minus- Support is limited to only TEQ + PHY types

C Tier

Card 1016210 thumb
Power that Outshines the Adults Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Tier List Plus- Good Linkset
- +90% ATK on SA
- Self-sufficient on ki at the start of a fight
Tier List Minus- 5 turn restriction on DEF and Ki self-sufficiency is too short
- Free to play base SSR so stats are low
- Competes with two much stronger Dokkanfest units
Card 1008890 thumb
Heading for a Showdown Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel)
Tier List Plus- Surprisingly good damage output when his passive is active
- Good linkset
Tier List Minus- 50/50 chance of getting his attack boost
- No defensive ability at all
- Competes directly with a much better Dokkanfest unit
Card 1011180 thumb
Recurring Nightmare Super Saiyan 3 Broly
Tier List Plus- Self-sufficient on Ki and unconditional +70% ATK
Tier List Minus- Lacks both Prepared for Battle and Over in a Flash
- No defensive ability
- Extreme Class unit so does not benefit from Bardock's support passive
- Competes directly with a Dokkanfest unit who can output far more damage

Honorable Mentions


5 May 2020First release