Hit & Super Saiyan God Goku |
"Accelerated Battle" or "Universe Survival Saga" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +150% | |
Goku and Hit's United Front | |
Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn[1] and causes colossal damage with a high chance of stunning the enemy[2] | |
Transcendent Light-Speed Combo | |
Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn[3] and causes mega-colossal damage with a high chance of stunning the enemy[2] | |
Advantage of Light-Speed | |
ATK & DEF +170%; Ki +6 plus an additional ATK & DEF +60%, attacks guaranteed to hit, disables enemy's guard and high chance[4] of evading enemy's attack (including Super Attack) as the 1st or 2nd attacker in a turn; plus an additional ATK +70% when attacking, Ki +7 and launches an additional attack that has a medium chance[5] of becoming a Super Attack as the 3rd attacker in a turn | |
Ever-Improving Pair | |
Lv 1: Ki +3 Lv 10: Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +7% Lv 1: ATK +10% Lv 10: ATK +15% Lv 1: DEF +20% Lv 10: DEF +25% Lv 1: ATK +10% and all enemies' DEF -10% Lv 10: ATK +15% and all enemies' DEF -15% Lv 1: Ki +2 Lv 10: Ki +2 and DEF +5% Lv 1: ATK +15% Lv 10: ATK +20% Lv 1: ATK +10% when performing a Super Attack Lv 10: ATK +15% when performing a Super Attack |
► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200% • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) ► SA Lv.20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30% |
► Their additional +70% ATK boost is calculated separately, for a total boost of ATK +359% as the third attacker in a turn ► Active Skills are always calculated separately from Passive Skills, meaning that it will increase their overall ATK & DEF by 13% |