Welcome! This is a list of amazing people who help the wiki! Feel free to message any of them, they'll definitely help you. We want to thank all the contributors!
Bureaucrats | |
NegativeSymptom: Has great knowledge of the Japanese version, helps other users | |
Mazdafreak: Pro-Nuker | |
Admins | |
ThisUserLikesOreo: Doesn't actually eat oreos | |
Loekman3: Tier List moderator | |
Taro2345: Campaign moderator | |
HowlingWolf83: Learning everyday | |
HorusDB: Helps with new cards and damage calculations | |
Matt2905: Awesome helper, infinite knowledge about code | |
Content Moderators | |
Super Saiyan Kolra: Creates images for the Tier List | |
RoxasNº13: Adds things that are missing from pages | |
Courtesy Squad | |
Gilaad: Professional team builder and Squad Leader | |
Hodon89: Owari Da!!! | |
Coolconnor995: Texas Lightning, yee-haw | |
Haf1 X: Just an average Dragon Ball artist | |
LeviosAAAAA: | |
FKay: Godslayer | |
Special Thanks | |
ArnoSan: Login rewards | |
AsfaltaCristi: Addition of HD card artworks | |
Colrot: Origin arts | |
Comrade SS: Former admin, adds new information when it comes out | |
Dokkan Master: Former admin | |
Dragenser: Former admin/discussion mod, retired and creator of cookies. | |
Enderverse: Former Content Mod (Retired); Helps quite a lot with pages | |
GROSJUNG: Former Admin, creator of many thumbs, medals and other important images | |
HarryTurney: Provide assets and other images for wiki and runs Dokkan Info site | |
Joshstrong494: Added the older campaigns (global) | |
Khaesho: Mathematical algorithm genius, progress tracker | |
Makakou: The first Admin and former Admin | |
Namekiankai: Former Admin | |
NMBRHNTR64: Former Courtesy Squad Leader | |
Nissan101: Uploads most of the wiki assets | |
Nononyan: He is the person who created this wiki | |
PixelKnight4866: Former Courtesy Squad member | |
RenanRoppongiHouse: HD card artworks | |
SecretSynergy: Former Courtesy Squad member | |
ShuntsJD: Former Courtesy Squad member | |
Son19: Disambiguation pages and categories champion | |
SaiyajinTurles: Former Special Attack Quotes Guy and former Courtesy Squad | |
Tigrouille: Ex-dictator, ex-Bureaucrats in the wiki (resigned) | |
TTeglas: Link skill updates | |
XCpwner1337: SA Animations | |
Xikhuang: Former Courtesy Squad, grammatical error checker | |
XYZexal: Former creator of images for the Tier List | |
Yaronos: Bulk category adding |