Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character pages will be banned immediately, regardless if your revert it or not.


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

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EN news banner ten1 043 large
27 Jan 2023 (Fri) 06:30 ~ 30 Jan 2023 (Mon) 05:59 UTC

Character Dokkan awaken logo 150 Dokkan Character Info
Card 1006430 thumb
Card 1015620 thumb Awak med 40001 x7 Card 1025640 thumb News banner ten1 045 1A
Card 1025610 thumb Awak med 40001 x7 Card 1025620 thumb News banner ten1 045 2A
Card 1025620 thumb Awak med 40001 x70
Frame SSR INT thumbSpirallatest?cb=20191212155456&format=originalCard 1025630 thumbLR icon thumbS.INT icon thumb
News banner ten1 045 3A

Ranking Reward
1 Card 1006430 thumbx15 Ticket 00004 x15 World Tournament gold ticket x15 Card 1003970 thumbx15 Card 1011480 thumbx5
Card 1012230 thumbCard 1012240 thumbCard 1012250 thumbCard 1012260 thumbCard 1012270 thumb x1
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x45000
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x25000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x2500  
Old kaiSupreme kai x2
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x10
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x20
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x40
Dr geroBubblesGregory x100
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x10
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x20

Fp x20000

2 - 3 Card 1006430 thumbx14 Ticket 00004 x12 World Tournament gold ticket x12 Card 1003970 thumbx12 Card 1011480 thumbx4
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x36000
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x20000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x2000  
Old kaiSupreme kai x2
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x10
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x20
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x40
Dr geroBubblesGregory x100
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x10
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x20

Fp x18000

4 - 10 Card 1006430 thumbx13 Ticket 00004 x10 World Tournament gold ticket x10 Card 1003970 thumbx10 Card 1011480 thumbx3
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x27000
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x15000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x1500  
Old kaiSupreme kai x2
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x10
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x20
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x40
Dr geroBubblesGregory x100
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x9
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x18

Fp x15000

11 - 20 Card 1006430 thumbx12 Ticket 00004 x9 World Tournament gold ticket x8 Card 1003970 thumbx8 Card 1011480 thumbx2
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x22500
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x12500
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x1250  
Old kaiSupreme kai x2
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x10
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x20
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x40
Dr geroBubblesGregory x100
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x8
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x16

Fp x14000

21 - 30 Card 1006430 thumbx11 Ticket 00004 x8 World Tournament gold ticket x6 Card 1003970 thumbx6 Card 1005480 thumbx5
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x18000
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x10000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x1000  
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x7
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x16

Fp x13000

31 - 50 Card 1006430 thumbx10 Ticket 00004 x7 World Tournament gold ticket x5 Card 1003970 thumbx5 Card 1005480 thumbx5
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x13500
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x7500  
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x750    
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x7
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x14

Fp x12000

51 - 70 Card 1006430 thumbx9 Ticket 00004 x6 World Tournament gold ticket x5 Card 1003970 thumbx5 Card 1005480 thumbx5
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x9000
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x5000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x500  
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x6
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x14

Fp x11000

71 - 100 Card 1006430 thumbx8 Ticket 00004 x5 World Tournament gold ticket x5 Card 1003970 thumbx5 Card 1005480 thumbx5
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x9000
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x5000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x500  
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x6
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x12

Fp x10000

101 - 200 Card 1006430 thumbx7 Ticket 00004 x4 World Tournament gold ticket x5 Card 1003970 thumbx5 Card 1005480 thumbx4
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x4500
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x2500
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x250  
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x6
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x12

Fp x9000

201 - 500 Card 1006430 thumbx6 Ticket 00004 x3 World Tournament gold ticket x5 Card 1003970 thumbx4 Card 1005480 thumbx4
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x2500
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x1500
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x150  
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x6
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x10

Fp x8000

501 - 1,000 Card 1006430 thumbx5 Ticket 00004 x2 World Tournament gold ticket x5 Card 1003970 thumbx4 Card 1005480 thumbx4
Thumb pot orb 00001Thumb pot orb 00002Thumb pot orb 00003Thumb pot orb 00004Thumb pot orb 00005 x1500
Thumb pot orb 00006Thumb pot orb 00007Thumb pot orb 00008Thumb pot orb 00009Thumb pot orb 00010 x1000
Thumb pot orb 00011Thumb pot orb 00012Thumb pot orb 00013Thumb pot orb 00014Thumb pot orb 00015 x100  
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x8
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x15
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x30
Dr geroBubblesGregory x75
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x6
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x10

Fp x7000

Ranking Reward
1,001 - 2,000 Card 1006430 thumbx4 Ticket 00004 x2 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx3 Card 1005480 thumbx3
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x10
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x20
Dr geroBubblesGregory x50
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x5
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x8

Fp x6000

2,001 - 5,000 Card 1006430 thumbx3 Ticket 00004 x2 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx3 Card 1005480 thumbx3
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x10
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x20
Dr geroBubblesGregory x50
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x5
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x8

Fp x5000

5,001 - 10,000 Card 1006430 thumbx2 Ticket 00004 x1 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx3 Card 1005480 thumbx3
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x10
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x20
Dr geroBubblesGregory x50
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x5
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x8

Fp x5000

10,001 - 20,000 Card 1006430 thumbx1 Ticket 00004 x1 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx2 Card 1005480 thumbx3
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x10
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x20
Dr geroBubblesGregory x50
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x4
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x8

Fp x4000

20,001 - 50,000 Ticket 00003 x4 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx2 Card 1005480 thumbx3
Old kaiSupreme kai x1
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x10
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x20
Dr geroBubblesGregory x50
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x4
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x7

Fp x4000

Ranking Reward
50,001 - 100,000 Ticket 00003 x4 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx1 Card 1005480 thumbx3
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x5
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x10
Dr geroBubblesGregory x30
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x3
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x7

Fp x3000

100,001 - 200,000 Ticket 00003 x3 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1003970 thumbx1 Card 1002630 thumbx3
KibitoNorth kaiWest kaiSouth kaiEast kai x5
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x5
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x10
Dr geroBubblesGregory x30
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x3
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x6

Fp x3000

200,001 - 300,000 Ticket 00003 x3 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1002630 thumbx3
KorinBibidiBabidiGrand elder guruKami x5
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x10
Dr geroBubblesGregory x30
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x2
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x6

Fp x2000

300,001 - 400,000 Ticket 00003 x2 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1002630 thumbx3
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x5
Dr geroBubblesGregory x20
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x1
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x5

Fp x1500

400,001 - 500,000 Ticket 00003 x1 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1002640 thumbx3
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x5
Dr geroBubblesGregory x20
Platinum Turtle Shell AGLPlatinum Turtle Shell TEQPlatinum Turtle Shell INTPlatinum Turtle Shell STRPlatinum Turtle Shell PHY x1
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x5

Fp x1500

500,001 - 700,000 Ticket 00003 x1 World Tournament gold ticket x3 Card 1002640 thumbx3
Grandpa gohanMutaitoMaster roshiMaster shenMr popo x5
Dr geroBubblesGregory x20
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x5

Fp x1000

700,001 - 1,000,000 Ticket 00003 x1 World Tournament gold ticket x2 Card 1002640 thumbx3
Dr geroBubblesGregory x20
Z sword AGLZ sword TEQZ sword INTZ sword STRZ sword PHY x5

Fp x1000

Ranking Reward
A rank of 3 repeated digits Card 1003970 thumbx1
A rank of 4 repeated digits Card 1006430 thumbx1
A rank of 5 repeated digits Ticket 00003 x3

Local Ranking Local Reward Unknown Martial Artist Jackie Chun
1st Card 1025610 thumbx2 Awak med 40001x50 World Tournament gold ticket x3 DS icon x7 Card 1011480 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x5 Fp x10000
2nd & 3rd Card 1025610 thumbx1 Awak med 40001x40 World Tournament gold ticket x2 DS icon x3 Card 1005480 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x5 Fp x8000
4th - 10th Card 1025610 thumbx1 Awak med 40001x30 World Tournament gold ticket x1 DS icon x1 Card 1002630 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x4 Fp x5000
11th - 20th Card 1025610 thumbx1 Awak med 40001x20 World Tournament silver ticket x2 Card 1002630 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x4 Fp x4000
21st - 50th Card 1025610 thumbx1 Awak med 40001x10 World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002630 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x3 Fp x3000
51st - 100th Card 1025610 thumbx1 Awak med 40001x8 World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002640 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x3 Fp x2000
101st - 150th Card 1025610 thumbx1 Awak med 40001x6 World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002640 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x2 Fp x1500
151st - 200th Awak med 40001x4 World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002640 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x2 Fp x1000
201st - 250th Awak med 40001x2 World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002650 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x1 Fp x500
251st - 300th Awak med 40001x1 World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002650 thumbx1 Senzu Bean x1 Fp x200

Mission Mission Reward
Get 1 Win DS icon x1
Get 2 Wins DS icon x1
Get 3 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x3
Get 4 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x3
Get 5 Wins DS icon x3
Get 6 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 7 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 8 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 9 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 10 Wins Training location 06 x10
Get 11 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 12 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 13 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 14 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 15 Wins Senzu Bean x15
Get 16 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 17 Wins World Tournament silver ticket x1
Get 18 Wins World Tournament gold ticket x1
Get 19 Wins World Tournament gold ticket x1
Get 20 Wins Training location 07 x10

Mission Mission Reward
Reach King Chappa Tier DS icon x1
Reach Hercule Tier Card 1002640 thumb x1
Reach Videl Tier Training location 05 x3
Reach Master Roshi Tier Gregory x30
Reach Korin Tier Senzu Bean x10
Reach Kami Tier DS icon x1
Reach King Yemma Tier Training location 04 x10
Reach King Kai Tier Training location 08 x5
Reach Supreme Kai Tier DS icon x5
Reach Elder Kai Tier Old kai x1
Reach Beerus Tier DS icon x5

Mission Mission Reward
Score 10 000 points DS icon x1
Score 50 000 points DS icon x1
Score 100 000 points Senzu Bean x2
Score 250 000 points Turtle x2
Score 500 000 points Senzu Bean x3
Score 1 000 000 points Ticket 00003 x1
Score 1 500 000 points Bulma Teen x2
Score 2 000 000 points World Tournament gold ticket x1
Score 2 500 000 points Ticket 00003 x2
Score 3 000 000 points World Tournament gold ticket x1
Score 4 000 000 points DS icon x3
Score 5 000 000 points Ticket 00003 x3
Score 6 000 000 points World Tournament gold ticket x2
Score 6 300 000 points Thumb pot orb 00001 x500
Score 6 400 000 points Thumb pot orb 00002 x500
Score 6 500 000 points Thumb pot orb 00003 x500
Score 6 600 000 points Thumb pot orb 00004 x500
Score 6 700 000 points Thumb pot orb 00005 x500
Score 7 000 000 points Supreme kai x1
Score 7 300 000 points Thumb pot orb 00006 x300
Score 7 400 000 points Thumb pot orb 00007 x300
Score 7 500 000 points Thumb pot orb 00008 x300
Score 7 600 000 points Thumb pot orb 00009 x300
Score 7 700 000 points Thumb pot orb 00010 x300
Score 8 000 000 points Old kai x1
Score 8 300 000 points Thumb pot orb 00011 x20
Score 8 400 000 points Thumb pot orb 00012 x20
Score 8 500 000 points Thumb pot orb 00013 x20
Score 8 600 000 points Thumb pot orb 00014 x20
Score 8 700 000 points Thumb pot orb 00015 x20
Score 9 000 000 points Ticket 00004 x1
Score 10 000 000 points Card 1003970 thumb x1
Score 11 000 000 points DS icon x2
Score 12 000 000 points Card 1002630 thumb x1
Score 13 000 000 points Card 1005480 thumb x1
Score 14 000 000 points DS icon x3
Score 15 000 000 points World Tournament silver ticket x3
Score 16 000 000 points Ticket 00003 x3
Score 17 000 000 points DS icon x2
Score 18 000 000 points Supreme kai x1
Score 19 000 000 points Old kai x1
Score 20 000 000 points DS icon x3
Score 21 000 000 points World Tournament gold ticket x1
Score 22 000 000 points Ticket 00004 x1
Score 23 000 000 points Card 1006430 thumb x1
Score 24 000 000 points Card 1012230 thumb x1
Score 25 000 000 points Card 1012240 thumb x1
Score 26 000 000 points Card 1012250 thumb x1
Score 27 000 000 points Card 1012260 thumb x1
Score 28 000 000 points Card 1012270 thumb x1
Score 29 000 000 points Card 1003970 thumb x1
Score 30 000 000 points Card 1003970 thumb x2

Mission Mission Reward
Win 2 WT in a row DS icon x1
Win 3 WT in a row Turtle x5
Win 4 WT in a row Bulma Teen x5
Win 5 WT in a row Ticket 00003 x2
Win 6 WT in a row World Tournament gold ticket x1
Win 7 WT in a row DS icon x2
Win 8 WT in a row World Tournament gold ticket x1
Win 9 WT in a row World Tournament gold ticket x1
Win 10 WT in a row Ticket 00003 x1
Win 11 WT in a row Supreme kai x1
Win 12 WT in a row Old kai x1
Win 13 WT in a row Card 1002640 thumb x1
Win 14 WT in a row World Tournament silver ticket x3
Win 15 WT in a row DS icon x5
Win 16 WT in a row Card 1002630 thumb x1
Win 17 WT in a row World Tournament silver ticket x3
Win 18 WT in a row World Tournament gold ticket x1
Win 19 WT in a row Ticket 00003 x3
Win 20 WT in a row Card 1003970 thumbx1

Mission Mission Reward
Enter the 40th World Tournament World Tournament silver ticket x5
Advance to the quarterfinals World Tournament silver ticket x3
Advance to the semifinals DS icon x1
[Daily] Win once DS icon x1
Thumb act item 00002 x1
World Tournament silver ticket x1 Card 1002630 thumbx1 Card 1013400 thumbx1
[Daily] Win 2 times DS icon x1
Thumb act item 00002 x1
Training location 07 x1
World Tournament silver ticket x2 Card 1002630 thumbx2 Card 1013400 thumbx2
[Daily] Win 3 times DS icon x1
Ticket 00003 x2
World Tournament silver ticket x2 Card 1002630 thumbx2 Card 1013400 thumbx2
Win 3 times with at least 1 character in the "World Tournament" Category on your team Awak med 40001 x1
Win 3 times with at least 1 character in the "Power Beyond Super Saiyan" Category on your team Awak med 40001 x1
Win 3 times with at least 1 character in the "Crossover" Category on your team Awak med 40001 x1
Win 7 times with at least 1 character in the "World Tournament" Category on your team Awak med 40001 x2
Win 7 times with at least 1 character in the "Power Beyond Super Saiyan" Category on your team Awak med 40001 x2
Win 7 times with at least 1 character in the "Crossover" Category on your team Awak med 40001 x2
